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Miss Lucia T. – Debating Teacher

Member of the Top Saint Kentigern College Premier Debating Team 2020-2023
Debate Coach and Programme Lead of the Saint Kentigern College 2022-2023
2nd Best Speaker of the Auckland Premier Advanced Debating Championships 2023
2nd Best Speaker of the Auckland Seasonal Debating Tournament 2023
Grand Champions of the Auckland Premier Advanced Debating Championships 2023
Grand Champions of the Auckland Seasonal Debating Tournament 2023
Grand Champions of the Auckland Regional Debating Tournament 2023
UNSW IV Novice Grand Finalist 2024
Representative of the University of Sydney Union as a Funded Adjudicator 2024
Judge the Easters 2024 Quarterfinals as a 'breaking' adjudicator
Debate Competition Adjudicator for various Sydney High School Tournaments, FED, IGSA, GPS 2024

2 Years of Teaching Experience